Monday, May 31, 2010

ChooseCo - Please send me a signed Choose Your Own Adventure

A letter to R.A. Montgomery, writer for the Choose Your Own Adventure book series:

Several days later, I received a padded envelope with the following; only this and nothing more

Turning to the opening pages, I noticed I had received my autograph:

Monday, May 17, 2010

British Lottery - Please give me my winnings!

I received this email recently:

This is exciting! 500,000 British Pounds without even entering the lottery! That's how most lotteries make money. I informed them of my interest and received the following in reply:

I reply:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Glamour Magazine - Please publish my apology for ruining someone's wedding! (Updated 8/2/2010)

***** NOTE *****
Due to a request from Glamour, certain aspects of this post had to be edited. If you saw an earlier version of this post, you should probably go back in time and not look at it. Sandwiches are a good way to distract your past self. In fact, you should probably just go make one right now and not bother (re)reading this in the first place. 

I received this prompt by email from Helpareporter (the same organization that connected me with the Mayan Wedding people.) Note that this is punctuated "Help a Reporter," not "Help! A Reporter!":

This sounds like a great chance for Calveen to make her authorial debut: